Social Media Anarchy

bullying-the-bullies-imageI am one of those people who does not make waves. In a public setting, I seldom get upset and if I do, I rarely lose control (when I do blow – about once every 10-15 years and always in relative privacy – I am told it is a sight to behold, however). I can only recall one thing that I said in anger – as a teenager, to my mother – and the hurt look on her face made me instantly regret it. To be fair, I cannot credit myself with better self-control than everybody else; I am simply so tongue-tied in such situations that the words would not come if I needed them to. In many ways, though, I consider this a blessing. I have people in my life who regularly say awful things in a fit of anger. When they have calmed down, they always tell me ‘they didn’t mean it’ but unfortunately, words can and do hurt. And the most hurtful words are impossible to forget.

If I am to be completely honest, however, I have written a few things that I was very sorry to have sent. Where I am unable to express myself verbally, the words come fairly easily if I write them down. Most of the time, I have had the good sense to write my angriest thoughts in letters I never intended to send. And without exception, I have been sorry for the few angry letters I have had the misfortune to put in the mail.

I had been in the work force for many years before the advent of e-mail. While I was as amazed as everyone else with its convenience, I quickly learned that being able to fire off an instantaneous response was not always a good thing, particularly if I was upset. After a few painful lessons, I got into the habit of writing my most difficult responses only after judiciously removing the name of the recipient. I did not want to inadvertently press ‘send’ for a response that might provoke lasting repercussions. I learned to carefully focus on the tone of my responses, and when finished, I would walk away for a time, so that – a few hours later – I could have a final read with a clear and objective mind set. If I still felt my response carried the right tone, only then I would add the recipient’s name and press ‘send’.

I have become increasingly aghast at how easy social media makes it to send rash responses in the heat of the moment. I am saddened when I read people’s vicious, vindictive, angry opinions and I wonder – every single time – what has happened to common civility.

Recently, I was (very) inadvertently the target of a series of vicious, angry Facebook posts. It happened to be on the subject of dogs and puppy mills. Suffice it to say that a few kind and well-intended comments about my own dog’s breeders brought down the wrath of an entire community of dog breeders within the space of perhaps an hour. I was horrified: I do not seek conflict and I am usually pretty easy to get along with. The venom in the responses I received took my breath away and scared me badly enough to block several of the responders’ names (I didn’t know any of them).

I grew up in (relatively) rural Canada. People have always been pretty kind here and most do not like conflict anymore than I do. This easy anger, this casual use of foul language and the increasing number of public executions without benefit of a trial are frightening and upsetting to me. What happened, in such a short space of time, that people feel they have the right to publicly horsewhip a person who does not share their opinions? Or to accuse people who have not yet been found guilty in a court of law?

Just a few years ago, the rule of thumb was that you shouldn’t say on a social media site what you would not say to your grandmother. Now, the ‘anything goes’ rule leaves me feeling vulnerable, sad and very unnerved. This social-media anarchy feels like an out-of-control, run-away train. When did it become okay for the public to execute a person without benefit of a trial, a jury or any semblance of rules and order? I cringe every time I hear of one person having falsely accused another. By the time it becomes known that they have lied, the damage is done and the reputation of the person being accused is in tatters.

I live in a country where – thank God – we are considered innocent until we are proven guilty. While I understand how awful and imperfect that system can be for the victims of crimes and abuse, it does give me a sense of security, knowing that if I am ever accused of something I didn’t do, there is a system in place which guarantees me my day in court to prove my innocence.

Not that it would matter much anymore. By the time the court system did prove my innocence, the social-media court of public opinion would have ensured that I lost my job, my reputation, my friends and my (thus far) good name.

Nobody – not even politicians and certainly not the media – wait for the courts to decide anymore. I wouldn’t stand a chance…

Source of photo

Patti Moore Wilson ©


Author: Patti Moore Wilson, wednesdayschild2

I write what I feel. And I rarely know exactly what I feel until I write. I have lived long enough to have known many joys and many sorrows. I have made many mistakes; I have forgiven myself for a few… I have learned that there are lessons in every step of this journey, if we only take the time to pay attention… I hope you will feel free to pick and choose the stories that resonate for you…

16 thoughts on “Social Media Anarchy”

  1. WordPress is the only social media site I use, for the very reasons you described. The Facebook and Twitter mobs are ridiculous and I don’t want any part of that negativity.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ‘Mobs’…appropriate word…and yes, I am so glad I never joined the Twitter train. I have few Facebook friends and they actually ARE friends. And I block the rare negative messages I receive and do my best to only share positive or educational messages. Thanks for commenting…🙏

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Sorry to hear that you were the target of unpleasantness. 😦 Sometimes people get carried away and not in a good way. It only takes one angry word before it snowballs into something hideous and out of control. I hope you don’t let it ruin your day too much. After all, I doubt those people are even thinking about it anymore.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m much better now but much more cautious. I think twice about when and where I comment and always picture the people reading my message like a cobra about to strike. And you are absolutely right – I expect they have already moved on…thank you so much for your kind words…🙏❤️

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  3. I received a letter from my mum, 31 years ago, (I still have it) where she vented her wrath about a decision I’d made. She didn’t talk to me about it and didn’t talk to me for a whole week. I was heartbroken. I cried all week about it. We didn’t speak about it for a very long time, but when we did, she said that she had no recollection of sending it. I think I was MORE hurt about THAT because she’d clearly just spilled her venom on paper without considering the consequences. We recently spoke of it again. She still has no memory of it and asked what she’d written. I admitted that I still had it in my possession, but that I couldn’t recall actual words, only the tone of it. She LAUGHED, said to get rid of it, but (and I’m finally getting to the point lol) I’ve no intention of ever reading it again, but her words hurt me for over 30 years. Unnecessarily!

    I watched The Social Network for the first time…yesterday, as it happens. Writing shit about someone utimately made him rich, but Facebook is not a favourite site of mine! I had a similar experience, an awful one, on FB, because I ‘got involved’ in a discussion. The whole internet was against me in the blink of an eye. I’m not even in the slightest bit confrontational. The ONLY good thing about FB is the facility to block people forever. WP falls down on that, I’m afraid.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh I am so sorry you were hurting all those years unnecessarily…words are so much more powerful than we realize…I hope you burned the letter for good measure. I wrote a letter to my sister many years ago that I bitterly regret sending. We were both very upset with one another at the time. We have talked about it and I have told her how sorry I am. She threw hers out and I deleted mine but I know it will always hurt her that I sent it. Never again, but…🙁🙁🙁

      And I am also really sorry you had that awful Facebook experience…have not seen the movie (wasn’t on social media and not a bit interested in the movie at the time). Such easy venom directed at perfect strangers is incomprehensible and terrifying to me…the ultimate passive-aggression, I suppose…🙁


      1. It was all in the name of religion too! I’ll tell you the story sometime. As for the letter mum wrote me, it’s still in a box in the wardrobe. I’ll never read it again, but I’m not looking for it. I was more hurt that she laughed about something that really hurt me and that her eventual apology was only given cos she didn’t know what else to say.

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      2. Ah…🙁 I have SO much to say about religion. IS there a more divisive topic?? I keep writing about it but I KNOW I will offend someone no matter what I say, so I just keep it all on my computer. Yes, that must have hurt…🙁❤️ And yes, I sure would love to hear THAT story…


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