Part Two: The Sponsor

It took me nearly six decades – and one very major epiphany – to find my voice. To fully understand why I have always had such a hard time communicating my feelings, wants and needs. To completely digest that my people-pleasing personality had been affecting my every thought; my every move; my entire life. The day I finally had a name for my own personal nemesis; codependency; I was determined to overcome it once and for all, or die trying.

Continue reading “Part Two: The Sponsor”

Part One: The Epiphany

Source of image: Pinterest

I was that blessing to every parent everywhere: the obedient child. I did as I was told. I never questioned authority. I dutifully respected my elders. I spoke when invited to speak and I kept my mouth firmly shut the rest of the time. I went to bed when I was sent to bed – hours before I was ready – without so much as a murmur of protest. I could enter a room without making so much as a wave.

Continue reading “Part One: The Epiphany”

Bad Temper

Source of photo: Calm Sage

I come from a long line of folks with truly awful tempers. I’m not sure if it’s a genetic thing, a hormonal thing, generational trauma or simply really bad karma, but on every side of my family tree, a number of my family members are known for flying off the handle.

Continue reading “Bad Temper”

Fight, Flight or Freeze?

Source of photo

The world isn’t really built around the introverts.

We are quiet; we are shy. We think deeply but our thoughts rarely make their way unscathed, to our mouths. By the time it is our turn to speak, we have broken out into a cold sweat and everything we intended to say has come stuttering and stumbling from a tongue that has suddenly grown two sizes and is impossible not to trip over.

They don’t call it ‘tongue-tied’ for nothing.

Continue reading “Fight, Flight or Freeze?”

Getting Rid of the Garbage (Pandemic Clean-Up: Post 4)

adult bully

I expect it has been many years since you have given me a thought but I want you to know that I have not forgotten you. Continue reading “Getting Rid of the Garbage (Pandemic Clean-Up: Post 4)”

Surviving Adrenal Exhaustion: Three-Day Quotes Challenge

Background concept wordcloud illustration of fatigue


I wanted to warmly thank Laura Sharp: Amazing Journey for nominating me for the three-day quotes challenge. Continue reading “Surviving Adrenal Exhaustion: Three-Day Quotes Challenge”

Portrait of a Burn-Out

The thing about mental illness is that while it is slowly chipping away at your insides, you can look so normal. You may feel like you are spiralling out of control. You may wish you were dead. You may feel like you are falling apart; you may be certain that you are going crazy. But no one can tell. Not even you can tell by looking at the face staring back at you in the mirror. Continue reading “Portrait of a Burn-Out”